• Stable Barrow

    Gardens can at times get a little bit out of hand and maintenance is needed to ensure it looks good all year round. There are many different features that can make a garden really stand out, whether it’s a vibrant lawn, desirable furniture or even the latest gardening techniques. Landscapers are experts when it comes to getting the most out of an outdoor space; they can incorporate themes, open out spaces, and create different areas for different purposes. Seating areas can give people a place to relax, while lawns and flowered borders can be nice additions for enthusiastic gardeners. Transitions into houses, garages and other garden areas are also important, including pathways, patios, doors and steps are always important aspects.

    Eco-Friendly Logs and Firewood

    Posted on July 29, 2020 at 9:40 pm

    Wood is one of the most sustainable materials available anywhere, as it is naturally renewable, meaning that as long as resources are replenished, they need never run out. However, resources can be run down still, which is one of the main reasons why environmentally friendly logs and firewood are needed. They will help to make firewood more sustainable and will ensure you can enjoy a roaring fire without compromising the planet or your own personal environmental credentials. You can buy sustainable firewood very easily; you just need to look into the logs and wood you are buying to check their sources. They should come from sustainably manage forests. You can also buy alternative options such as coffee logs, which are made from waste materials and will help you to build... Read More »

    Top 10 Spring Bulbs

    Posted on March 30, 2020 at 9:49 pm

    Spring is one of the most beautiful times of year for your garden. It’s the time associated with new life, and you want your garden to be bursting with life as well. If you’re considering how to make your garden brighter, more beautiful and ready for the spring, then you’ll need to know the best bulbs to plant, and when to plant them. Spring bulbs are perfect for giving you garden a new lease of life. Here are 10 of the top spring bulbs you can plant to make your garden glow with life this spring: Daffodil. This vibrant flower with its bold trumpet says spring like few others can. There are also some more unusual varieties too, in shades of white, cream, and varying yellow and orange tones. Small... Read More »

    Wildflower Turf and Garden Health

    Posted on January 27, 2020 at 11:55 pm

    Wildflower turf allows a number of wildflowers to grow scattered throughout the grass, turning your garden into a wildflower meadow. It looks very beautiful and is popular amongst homeowners who wouldn’t otherwise be able to access much greenery and enjoy the beauty of a wild garden. If you’re considering a wildflower garden, this can be good for the overall health of your garden, as well as looking beautiful. Here’s why. Flowers will attract bees to your garden, which is essential for pollinating plants and flowers. Thanks to bees, your garden will have what it needs to continue to flourish and regenerate itself. If you have a garden with lots of plants and flowers in it, wildflower turf can help to encourage new growth and keep all aspects of your garden... Read More »

    Growing Nerines from Bulbs

    Posted on December 27, 2019 at 11:42 pm

    Nerines are distinctive, attention-grabbing flowers that will look beautiful in gardens, on patios, or anywhere that a splash of colour is needed to brighten things up. Nerine bulbs can be found in many garden centres and shops, allowing gardeners to grow these gorgeous flowers from the beginning and nurture them as they blossom. It’s perfectly possible to grow very healthy nerines in the UK climate; you just need to make sure you are planting the bulbs at the right time of year, and you care for the flowers in the right way once they have grown. Growing nerines: a guide from the beginning If you plan on growing nerines from bulbs, first thing’s first: you must make sure that the bulbs are healthy and will stand the best possible chance... Read More »

    Sowing New Seeds for a Lawn

    Posted on October 30, 2019 at 10:44 pm

    Lawns often go through phases. They might be healthy and green for a long period of time, but then can go brown and dull all of a sudden. This often happens in the winter, but it can happen over the summer too if the lawn doesn’t get enough water on a regular enough basis. This can lead to patchy grass over time which then needs to be reseeded. When you need to sow new seed, do so sparingly. Make sure it is the right step to take, giving your lawn time to regenerate on its own first. If this isn’t successful, you can buy grass seeds to sow. Just make sure it’s the right type of grass seed for the lawn you have as there are many different kinds. Once... Read More »

    Summer Lawn Care for Beautiful Grass

    Posted on July 17, 2018 at 9:53 pm

    Your lawn is the pride and joy of your garden, and very likely your whole home. It is the crowning glory, making your garden look attractive and framing your home so it will look simply stunning. The summer weather doesn’t always agree with your lawn and might make it dull and brown if you are not careful. Read through this advice to help you keep your lawn green and fresh: Keep it well watered. The best time of day to water your lawn is in the morning, before the day gets too warm. Use a sprinkler system to distribute water evenly over all grass, and run it for a few hours. Mow it consistently. Don’t mow your lawn too short straight away. Keep mowing it at regular intervals, and reduce... Read More »

    Car Ports from Samson to Protect your Vehicle

    Posted on June 5, 2018 at 6:06 pm

    Cars, vans and other vehicles are a major investment and many parts of our lives rely on us having transport. Be it for home or business, we are relying on our vehicles more than ever. The Samson P35 car port is a polycarbonate structure that offer you at-home protection for your vehicle, and what’s more, it is excellent value for money. Who might make use of a car port?  A car port is suitable for anyone with a vehicle who wants to give it some additional protection whilst parked up. A car port allows you to cover over your vehicle whilst it is stationary, offering it protection from the elements and other kinds of damaging substances, such as bird droppings. It is a viable option for households who don’t have an... Read More »

    Installing Wooden Gates Ahead of Summer

    Posted on May 18, 2018 at 4:36 pm

    Wooden gates can add rustic charm to your garden, and offer you protection as well. Many people who are in the market for new gates opt for wood, but is it the right decision for you? Ahead of the summer, people are busy getting their gardens ready by planting new flowers, mowing their lawns and getting new patios. But have they really thought about security? This is one of the most important considerations there is for your garden, especially if you have expensive garden furniture, or pricey equipment such as lawnmowers and gardening tools. Make sure there is something to deter people who might break in – a gate will do the job perfectly. A taller garden gate is a good idea if you are using it for security. You... Read More »

    Should Gardeners be Qualified?

    Posted on March 25, 2018 at 5:35 pm

    When you are employing a gardener, you need to know they will do a good job on your garden. One of the things potential employers might ask is what qualifications the gardener has. However, gardeners don’t necessarily need to be qualified. How important is a formal qualification for a gardening professional? If a gardener is working on a large and complex landscape, such as formal gardens or a stately home garden, then it may serve them well to have a qualification. There are qualifications offered by many bodies, such as the Royal Horticultural Society, that are very well regarded. These teach a range of practical and academic skills, so the gardener will know how to adapt their approach. For a domestic gardener, qualifications may help but they are less essential.... Read More »

    Choosing the Right Type of Lawn

    Posted on December 24, 2017 at 7:21 pm

    Lawns are a big part of a garden – they usually form the largest surface area within the garden. If you are looking for a new lawn, replacing an area of lawn, or you are moving into a new property and creating a new garden, you should ensure you choose the correct type of turf for your new garden. A standard type of turf will suffice in most domestic properties. The turf sold in the UK is generally quite hardy and will withstand some harsh weather conditions. However, if your garden is used for sport, you have pets or it is a high traffic area, you might need to have a tougher kind of turf. Choose one that is specifically made to last in a high traffic spot. If your... Read More »