
How to get your garden winter ready

Posted on August 22, 2020 at 2:11 pm

After the great start we had to the summer, it seems that the warmer weather may be done and dusted for this year. Over the hotter weeks our gardens took a hammering with grass dying off and plants struggling to survive unless your were good at remembering to water them.

With the recent rainfall, many gardens are now recovering and the grass is starting to look very green again.

As we approach the winter months it is important to get your garden ready. You need to take ensure that when we get a good spell of dry weather you take advantage and cut the grass if needed. Cutting grass if it is wet can be a bit of a nightmare and often will result in your lawnmower getting clogged up and eventually cutting out. If you have fairy lights in your garden, you may want to take them in, especially if they are battery powered as the constant wet and cold weather will probably mean they don’t survive till the next year. If you want to cut some plants or trees back then now may be a good time, but always check as some should only be done at certain times of the year.

Posted in Gardens